

Cute little boys, sat alone, holding bright lamp on his hand. I met him in Lebaran night.


Towel, Towel

Gosh, I love shopping towel! You can't imagine the feel of looking over piles of colorfull fabric, rub every single of those cute-colorfull-patternfull fabric, and find the perfect piece to bring home... Yay! I love how that feel. I brought home the blue and chocolate ones with stripes pattern over it.

And this leopard plushie... Too cute to be true. Costs half of my pocket-money every month, I didn't buy it, beside I'm not toy-person. But... They are still overwhelming beautiful.


Lay Down and Take A Deep Breath of Fresh Air

Holiday is here. Since I hate my busy school when Ramadhan, that gave me no time to do my 'life' ritual, I spent my first two days of holiday just sit in front of my laptop on my room, and tidy up my room. Took Living Social's Pick Your Five, and just want to share a little:

--5 Things I Want To Learn;

Make Cute Cupcakes
Give Cat A Bath
I wants give Bonsi a bath by my own :)
Ballroom Dance
Nail Art Deep Sea Diving

Images Courtesy:
- Cupcakes from De-fective Tragedy
- Cupcakes from Hello Naomi's
- Ballroom Dance from iwant2dance
- Nail Art from pingmag
- Deep Sea Diving from 10StepsSG